Project Resources

The Project Resources page includes additional information about the Eco-Logical Grant Pilot Project, as well as some of the research materials the MPO reviewed as part of the Free Bridge Congestion Relief Project.

Free Bridge Travel Demand Modeling Analysis
At the first stakeholder meeting, held on November 18th, 2013, the MPO presented on the history of the Free Bridge area, specifically focusing on existing and future congestion concerns. This analysis also focused on project alternatives that have been considered for easing congestion issues at Free Bridge. A full report explaining this analysis can be accessed below. The full analysis document explains the data findings, while the appendix shows the resources used to achieve those findings. The document is quite large so the links have been broken out below.


REF poster and Datasets
This file contains a poster of the Regional Ecological Framework (REF) Map and a table outlining what datasets are included in the REF and how those datasets were ranked. Note: More information about how datasets were chosen and ranked is available in the 2011 Eco-Logical: Integrating Infrastructure and Regional Transportation Planning Report.


TJPDC 2011 Eco-Logical: Integrating Infrastructure and Regional Transportation Planning Report:
This previous Eco-Logical Grant Project allowed the MPO to develop our Regional Eco-Logical Framework Tool. This tool identifies high value environmental areas in the region. It will be a key element of the Free Bridge Congestion Relief Project.


FHWA’s Eco-Logical An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects Guide:
The Eco-Logical Pilot Project is being funding by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This guide outlines FHWA’s goals for the grant process.

There have been several past studies that have attempted to address the traffic congestion issues in the vicinity of the US250 Free Bridge Crossing of the Rivanna River. Below you can find copies of the previous studies and reports