Land Planning and Design Associates (LPDA) presented the proposed trail layout based on stakeholder input at a public meeting held March 15 in TJPDC’s Water Street Center. Stakeholders had expressed a desire for rustic trails to remain, complemented by the wider multi-purpose paved trails to be constructed as part of the TAP project. Input also strongly urged the trail intersection at Fifth Street Station Parkway be located at the intersection at Wegmans Way, and not mid-block. This will require a retaining wall and fill or a boardwalk to accommodate the elevation change to the intersection. Stakeholders did not identify any clear functional reason to dictate the location of the trail on either the east or west side of Biscuit Run. The trail is shown located on the east side to take advantage of the opening width and head-clearance under I-64. This will accommodate a number of possible layouts for connectivity south of I-64.