The Plan
The Long Range Transportation Plan or LRTP guides the region in creating a more efficient, responsive and environmentally-sensitive transportation system over the next 20+ years.  The plan examines transportation trends/issues and offers a list of specific projects for addressing the region’s mobility needs.

The plan is updated every 5 years with the most recent update adopted by the MPO Policy Board on May 22, 2019.

The Process
The Charlottesville Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization is identified as the official transportation planning agency for Charlottesville and the Urbanized areas of Albemarle County.

  • MPO’s are required by federal law in order for the region to receive federal funding for highways, transit, bike and pedestrian, and multimodal systems.
  • The MPO is required to review its transportation plan every 5 years.
  • Plans may be amended based on changes in federal guidance, transportation needs, and changes in Federal, state and Local funding.
  • The LRTP provides the framework and visions from which the region’s transportation program is developed.


2050 LRTP Logo

Moving Toward 2050

Transportation is essential to all of us. From jobs to goods to the people we care about and the places that bring us joy, transportation connects us to what we need. Moving Toward 2050 is the federally-required long range transportation plan (LRTP) for the City of Charlottesville and urbanized portions of Albemarle County, which is the area served by the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (CA-MPO). This plan, to be reviewed and adopted by the CA-MPO Policy Board, identifies long range transportation needs, considers possible infrastructure improvements, and establishes priorities to implement projects based on anticipated funding.

Current Approved Plan:

 Moving Toward 2050 – Final Approved Plan


LRTP 2045 Logo

The 2045 LRTP was approved by the MPO Policy Board on September 22, 2019.

The 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan looks ahead three decades to assess future transportation projects vital for our region. The plan considers all modes of transportation including highways, roads, bus, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and air.  This plan updated the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan, which was approved by the MPO Policy Board in May 2014.

 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan   


The 2040 LRTP was approved by the MPO Policy Board on May 28, 2014.

The 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan looks ahead three decades to assess future transportation projects vital for our region. The plan considers all modes of transportation including highways, roads, bus, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and air. The plan updated the 2035 United Jefferson Area Mobility Plan (UnJAM 2035), which was approved by the MPO Policy Board in May 2009.

 2040 LRTP Document Page